To increase in-home consumption and thus, repeat purchase in the United States.
Breakfast habits of 36 families were observed over a week using fixed cameras installed in homes.
Over 150 Gb of data was analysed and tagged by Haystack to identify 357 breakfast moments and triggers to certain behaviours.
Follow-up interviews conducted to explain the ‘why’ behind what was observed.
As a result of this study, we were able to pin-point for our clients the exact duration of the deliberation cycle, the real decision-makers and the weighted drivers for their choices and who participated when at breakfast during the week and at the weekends.
Our client moved from seeing breakfast as a nostalgic family together occasion to morning relay where each person had their own personal timeline and activities in order to gear up for the day.
“We always eat our meals at the table… but no one wakes up at the same time around here”
“We usually eat standing up in the kitchen because everyone’s in a hurry in the morning, no one gets up on time”
“My husband likes to take his cereal into is room especially if it is Frosted Flakes to stop the ‘general population’ as he says it eating it.”