This is the first in a monthly analysis of news and trends in the market research and ethnographic research industries.

The rise of people watching research carried out by brands.

Jo Bowman, the former contributing editor of CNBC business magazine, wrote about the rise of ethnographic research being carried out by brands. The article focuses on the difference between what people say that do, and what they actually do – something we highlight on a frequent basis in our studies. In fact, more than ever we are seeing brands asking for context from their market research. You can read the full article by visiting Raconteur’s website and checking out the publication on “The Insight Economy”.

Customer Insight: What is Ethnography and How Can It Help Your Brand?

This article is part of a broader series on Customer Insights, featured on the Inbound Marketing Blog. It deep-dives into how ethnographic research has helped marketers and brands deliver results and how it differs from other forms of customer insights. The most notable difference highlighted is how often unspoken elements of a consumer’s life can add highly valuable insight into how a brand’s product or service can be adapted to suit their consumer. It may even provide inspiration for future services or products that meet another big need in their lives. The full article can be found on The Inbound Marketing’s website.

Consumer Insight into Global Cooking

Last week we released an insights report detailing our work with a global FMCG client to provide them with an in-depth understanding of their consumer’s meal preparation. This project spread across 20 countries throughout the world including several emerging economies. The aim of the project was to understand the difference between stated and claimed behaviour and to identify any regional variation or trends. You can download a full version of our report by visiting our website.

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